Closing data gaps and paving the way for pan-European Fire Safety Efforts
We are pleased to announce the inauguration of our European project for mapping the existing fire data collected across Member States and to propose meaningful data sets to allow legislative decisions on fire safety at Member State and at EU level. This 17-month project will start in August 2020 and will be carried out by a consortium composed with leading international fire safety institutions.
The aim of the pilot project, funded by the European Commission, is to analyse the terminology used and the data collected by the EU Member States regarding building fires. This will identify the collection difficulties and interpretation differences and eventually a common terminology and a method to collect the necessary data will be proposed.
Main tasks
1. Diagnostic of terminology, data collection and interpretation issues
2. Terminology and data collection survey
3. Identification of data needed for decision making
4. Analysis of data collection methodologies
5. Definition of a common terminology
6. Cost/benefit assessment methodology to support policy decisions
7. Case study using cost/benefit assessment methodology
8. Description of a future data collection method
We expect that the outcome of this project will allow for knowledge-based decisions regarding fire safety and enable potential opportunities for actions and initiatives that can support the efforts of the Member States with respect to fire safety and fire prevention.
The consortiom is lead by Efectis:
– Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)
– Centre for Fire Statistics of CTIF (CFS-CTIF)
– Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe (CFPA-Europe)
– Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI)
– Efectis (Consortium leader in the project)
– Lund University
– National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
– School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh
– The European Fire Safety Alliance (EuroFSA)
– Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes (VFDB)