Fatal residential fires in Europe (part 2): An inventarisation of next research steps

After the first step toward understanding fatal residential fires in Europe resulted with the publication of the report Fatal Residential Fires in Europe. A preliminary assessment of risk profiles in nine European countries, the European Fire Safety Alliance (EuroFSA) and the Dutch Fire Service Academy (IFV) decided to deepen this analysis what lead to the second report Fatal residential fires – part 2. An inventarisation of next research steps.
The objective of the second report was to write a proposal for a follow-up research on fatal residential fires in Europe, which would focus on a number of specified risk factors and the relationship between these risk factors (crosslinks) in various countries. This report provides the following overviews:
- Overview of the characteristics necessary to form risk factors;
- Overview of which crosslinks are needed and why these are needed;
- Overview of preferred countries to be included in a follow-up research;
- Overview of our existing international network, and steps that need to be taken in order to strengthen and enhance this network.
Download the full report – Fatal residential fires in Europe – part 2. An inventarisation of next research steps
Download the full report – Fatal residential fires in Europe – part 1. A preliminary assessment of risk profiles in nine European countries
Download flyer report – Fatal residential fires in Europe flyer with the most important results