European Fire Safety Week 2022
The fourth year edition of the European Fire Safety Week (EUFSW), from 14-18 November 2022, traditionally was an umbrella for selected European fire safety initiatives organized with contribution of many partners. All this initiatives have a common goal of improving fire safety across the EU and better contribute to the implementation of the European Fire Safety Action Plan and included:
- five webinars covering fire safety priorities defined in the European Fire Safety Action Plan: fire safety of vulnerable people, carbon monoxide hazards, harmonization of European fire statistics, product compliance with fire safety requirements and how achieve a higher and more harmonized level of Fire Safety in the European Union, We had 642 registrations for 1 or more webinars, from 64 countries (including 23 non EU countries);
- a high level discussion on how to putt citizens safety at the heart of the Renovation Wave hosted by Members of the European Parliament Maria da Graça Carvalho and Carlos Zorrinho in the European Parliament in Brussels, which was followed by the implementation workshop of the same title, during which stakeholders discussed and designed recommendations for their practical implementation of fire, electrical and gas safety considerations in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive by Member States;
- a very first edition of the European Smoke Alarm Day – an awareness campaign #smokealarmssavelives consisting of a new dedicated website and information disseminated by social media.
All-in-one overview
Please find below a detailed program of all events, presentations and video recordings and lists of co-organisers. The European Fire Safety Week has been- and continues to be supported by many experts and institutions, including Members of European Parliament and EC officials.
Monday, November 14th 2022
Tuesday, November 15th 2022
Wednesday, November 16th 2022
Thank you
To all participants, speakers, sponsors and other parties involved. We hope to see you all again in future editions of the European Fire Safety Week!