PROGRAM: Wednesday November 20th

3a. Workshop: Fire-safe upholstered furniture and mattresses – a new approach by selected member states | In-person meeting (Brussels) from 09h00 - 12h30 (CET)

Register here

After several fatal fires caused by the flammability and smoke production of upholstered furniture and mattresses, the Dutch government has decided to introduce legislation for the fire safety of furnishings. The NIPV has established a Community of Practice (CoP), in which companies participate that supply products that fit within the proposed regulations. Retailers also participate in this CoP. The CoP advises and supports legislators on basic principles that the legislation must comply with, as well as necessary and feasible test methods. The feasibility of new legislation for both large and small companies is therefore central to the CoP.

This workshop will explore this process from various perspectives, serving as an example for other Member States considering similar legislation and highlighting the roles that the business community and fire brigade can play in this process.

The purpose is to inform the audience about the process of developing fire safety regulations for upholstered furniture and mattresses in the Netherlands, emphasizing the specific role of the industry in this process as an example for other countries.”

Target group
DG representatives, regulators from Member States, UF and mattresses industry rep-resentatives, fire service and code organisations in the area of fire safety and furnish-ings.

This workshop is organized by:

3b. Workshops: The importance of flame retardants in modern society | Online & In-person meeting (Brussels) from 13h30 - 17h00 (CET)

Register here

This workshop consists of two sessions. If you wish to attend both sessions ONLINE, please make sure to select both sessions in the registration form.

Session I: Fire load and flammable materials in modern buildings: how can flame retardants contribute? - Pinfa event


Fire risk in today’s buildings is related not only to the building itself but also very much to electrical installations and contents, from furnishings and furniture through to clothing and consumer goods. Most of the materials in today’s building installations and contents are potentially flammable (plastics, composites, natural and artificial fibres and textiles …) and the total fire load is increasing.


Session II: Burn test: A journey into fire safety and brominated flame retardants - BSEF event


The world-renowned Efectis fire testing lab has recently performed a comparative burn test on connectors, with and without brominated flame retardants, found in electrical devices. A video recording of these tests will provide a practical demonstration of the effectiveness of these retardants in reducing flammability and controlling the Heat Release Rate, providing more escape time. What this means in terms of product design and in the context of fire prevention in the home and office and for the safety of the public will be explored.

This workshop is organized by: