3b. Workshops: The importance of flame retardants in modern society. Session I: Fire load and flammable materials in modern buildings: how can flame retardants contribute? || Wednesday November 20th from 13h30-15h00 (CET)
JOIN WEBINAR (link will follow soon)
Tips for a smooth technical experience for participants
- Ensure a Stable Internet Connection: Avoid overloading your internet connection during the webinar by limiting activities like gaming, streaming, or large downloads.
- Use Google Chrome: For the best experience, join the webinar outside of your usual digital work environment and use Google Chrome as your browser.
- Prefer Wired Connections: Whenever possible, opt for a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi to enhance stability.
Your input during the webinar is important to us!
- Questions can be submitted via the Chat function. During the Q&A session, the moderator will select and present some of these questions to the speaker.
Need assistance?
- If you require support or have any questions, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.